How Pricing Works for Text Campaigns

When you start typing a text in Notify, you'll see a cost show up below the message form:

Why does the cost of the campaign change as you type?

We calculate the cost of your text campaign in real-time as you type. Your campaign cost depends on different factors.

What factors determine the cost of a campaign?

  1. Country. The country in which your business and customers are based determines the starting price per text:
Country Starting Price per Text (in USD)
United States $0.03
Canada $0.03
Australia $0.064
Europe $0.08
United Kingdom $0.08
  1. Customer Count. The number of customers your campaign is being sent to.
  2. Message Length. The longer your message is, the higher the cost. In general, your price per text will rise for each additional 153 characters.
  3. Emojis and Special Characters. Including emojis and certain types of special characters (like foreign language symbols) can substantially increase the cost of a campaign.

Let's go through a couple of examples...

We will assume the following:

  • A business and all of its customers are based in the U.S.
  • We're sending a text campaign to 100 customers in total.

Example 1

We want to send the following text to our customers:

We are moving to a new location in Boston. Come see us at 123 Main Street. Can't wait to see you there.

Length of text 103 characters
Special characters none
Count of customers 100
Price per text (US) $0.03
Total Campaign Cost 100 customers x $0.03 = $3.00

Example 2

Let's take the same text from above, but jazz it up a bit with a link and some emojis:

We are moving to a new location in Boston. Come see us at 123 Main Street: Can't wait to see you there. ❤️❤️❤️

Length of text 151 characters
Special characters 3 emojis
Count of customers 100
Price per text (US) $0.09
Total Campaign Cost 100 customers x $0.09 = $9.00
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