Adding Customer Lists

With Notify Customer Lists, you can put your customers into different groups (we call them Lists), then send customized text campaigns to each group.

An example: Say you want to send one text campaign to top customers, and another to customers who haven't shopped with you in a long time. You could create the following 2 Customer Lists:

  • Top Customers
  • Infrequent Customers

You could then send one text campaign to your Top Customers (maybe to ask them to write a positive review for your business on social media). And you could send a separate campaign to your Infrequent Customers (maybe with a promotional offer to get them back).

Try it out on the Customers page or watch this quick video showing you how to create Customer Lists step-by-step:

Important Instructions for Adding Customer Lists via CSV Import

  • You must use a CSV file to upload the customers you want to add to a List
  • Your CSV column headings must match this exact format: first_name, last_name, mobile, list
  • Your List names must NOT contain any spaces, eg "Summer 2024" is wrong, "Summer-2024" is correct
  • When uploading a CSV with customers and lists, you can include both new customers and existing customers already in your Notify account. Any existing customers will get the relevant List assigned as indicated in your uploaded file.
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